Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sad News - Day 17

Today we rode 45 miles to Coos Bay where we got a motel. The day was again foggy and our route was  described as the most curvy and scenic of the Oregon coast. It would have been nice to have been a clear day but was an enjoyable ride anyway. We stopped in Reedsport for a couple of hours so Ed could participate in a work related webinar. Had a couple major hills to climb. On one of the hills we leap-frogged with a young man hitch hiking to Coos Bay where his wife was in labor with a new baby.

 We received sad news that our very good friend from Fort Collins, John Greenlaw, had a stroke.  Spent much of the day on the bike praying for him and his family.


  1. Hey he is stable but still in critical condition. Its an MCA stroke which is a main artery in his brain. Pray for the swelling to subside and not get worse. Hope your ride finds you both well

    1. Thanks, Andy. We are praying for you and your Mom as well as your Dad
