Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Goodbye Oregon... Hello California - Day 21

After 8 miles we said goodbye to our 2nd state and said hello to our 3rd and final state.  Today completed the end of our 3rd week of riding... we had 2 rest days out of 21 days and have covered 800 miles.  California welcomed us with a beautiful sunshiny day and the bike route led us away from highway 101 onto lightly traveled back roads through various small farms and dairy farmland.  It was flat with no wind and another "dream" day for riding.  We celebrated our accomplishments by staying in a motel in Crescent City and only a 32 mile ride.

Three weeks of thoughts from our ride include:
- Canada, Washington & Oregon are all very bike friendly and for the most part courteous drivers.
- Logging  is well and alive in both WA and OR.  Almost all log truck drivers respect bicyclists except for 1 obnoxious unloaded log truck driver in OR who had to get on his horn as soon as he saw our blinking tail lights until he was well passed us.  The road section had an adequate bike lane and we were well within it.  We heard him do the same thing to another bicyclist 1/2 mile in front of us.
- We don't understand why a driver, driving a small truck or bus needs a CDL but a driver of a 42 foot, 30,000 lb. motorhome pulling another vehicle doesn't.  Many of them don't even realize how big a vehicle they are driving.
- The weather for bike riding was very good with virtually no rain and only 4 or 5 foggy cool days.
- Mexico is still a long ways away.
- We continue to easily meet some interesting friendly people.
- Food shopping is a daily occurrence.
- Sharla continues to amaze Ed with her bike riding stamina and perseverance.   Sometimes she has had some severe leg cramps in her lower left leg in the morning, but praise God it has gone away by the time we get on the bike.  God has truly blessed me with a wonderful wife!
- The "dream" continues to be alive of seeing God's awesome creation of majestic sea shores, vast forests of thick trees & foliage, and magnificent farm and ranch land.


  1. Congratulations on another milestone! It's fun reading your posts and sharing your adventure. You guys are awesome!

    Chuck & Linda

  2. Way to Go Mom and Dad!!!! We are all so proud of you and Lillian and Benjamin have LOVED LOVED LOVED getting postcards from your stops:) They are saving them and everyday run to the mailbox to check for another! So thankful all is going well...we keep praying:)
    love y'all!

  3. Wow, 2 out of 3 states that makes you 2/3 of the way done right???? :) Thanks for all the updates, it really is fun following along.
